@misc{Kuczer_Jarosław_Arystokracja, author={Kuczer, Jarosław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Absolutist regime in Silesia in the period 1648-1740 "created" a group of beneficiaries, which in fact was the aristocracy. Of course, it was a kind of "round-trip" covenant and worked both sides. Individual of aristocracy perform best positions and functions of defining the model of public life and social, and even economic.}, abstract={Without a strong group of new counts and dukes (old lines expired partially in the first half of the seventeenth century - the oldest, Piast in 1675) it was not possible to control, govern and rule the country of Silesia. The regime was characterized by absolutistic statism. The earlier freedom of the estates of the realm as partner, was extremely uncomfortable for the king. After 1648 it was the time to implement numerous decisions, even in religious matters, made by the emperors Ferdinand I, Maximilian II, Rudolf II and Matthias.}, abstract={The construction of a new shaped, strong state based on the number of provinces stand in opposition to the Middle Ages version of a monarchy built upon a model of privileged classes formed on the whole structure of imperial decrees. "Absolutum dominium" created a new social foundation and it is aristocracy, largely created for the new system, which became the main beneficiary of it.}, title={Arystokracja jako "stan" legitymizujący absolutystyczny ustrój administracji Śląska w okresie po wojnie trzydziestoletniej (1648-1740) = Aristocracy as a "state" legitimating absolutist system of the Silesian administration during the Thirty Years War (1648-1740)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={arystokracja, Śląsk, absolutyzm, administracja, Wojna Trzydziestoletnia - 1618-1648 - przywódcy, Aristocracy, Silesia, Absolutism, administration, Thirty Years? War}, }