@misc{Skierska_Jolanta_Źródła, author={Skierska, Jolanta}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Security is defined as a state of certainty, no risk and protection against this threat. A sense of security is a process, constantly changing along with the state of the economy, the environment, political, social and cultural factors. Threat is the opposite of security, situation, when we do not feel safe. The easiest division of risks is natural and civilization. Early modern urban societies (also in Zielona Gora), were at risk of losing safety, which was the consequence of natural factors (fires, extreme weather, plagues of insects destroying the harvests, disease epidemics).}, abstract={The most destructive fires in Zielona Gora were in 1582 and 1651. Then burned many public buildings and residential houses. Residents were required to extinguish fires. The authorities also introduced fire regulations and establish penalties for failure to comply them. Early modern city, often overcrowded, with low levels of hygiene and lack of sufficient medical care, were particularly exposed to all sorts of epidemics.}, abstract={The population movements (merchants or forces) were often the cause of the spread of infectious diseases: dysentery, typhoid fever, diarrhea, typhus, or the most dangerous of them - the plague. The most exposed were the weakest organisme, so children and elderly people. Extreme weather (thunderstorms with hail, early frosts, drought) and plagues of insects occurred frequently. Destruction of crops meant high prices and, as a consequence, the risk of hunger and malnutrition.}, abstract={Apart from dangers caused by the natural disasters, security can also be significantly influenced by the attitude and activities of people. The biggest fear were caused by wars, especially the Thirty Years? War (1618-1648), which was one of the darkest periods in Zielona Gora history. In addition to the damage, fires and robberies, it meant also famine and diseases. The consequences of misfortunes were different.}, abstract={For Zielona Gora, one of the most serious was the weakening of economic position in the region (loss of markets, migrations, slowdown in economic growth, society impoverishment). The negative result of diseasters were also demographic crises that began of epidemics, hostilities. There was also an increase in crime. Diseasters were often treated as God?s punishment for the sins of men. Sometimes people tried to find somebody guilty of all the misfortunes. Therefore in early modern Europe witch trials occurred.}, title={Źródła i rodzaje zagrożeń bezpieczeństwa w społeczeństwach miejskich okresu wczesnonowożytnego (XVI-XVIII wiek) na przykładzie Zielonej Góry = Sources and types of securit y threats in urban societies in early modern period (16th-18th century) on the example of Zielona Góra}, type={artykuł}, keywords={bezpieczeństwo, miasta, Zielona Góra, historia społeczna, security, cities, social history}, }