@misc{Koteluk_Daniel_"Fabryki, author={Koteluk, Daniel}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={According to government calculations, State Agricultural Farms, modeled on the Soviet sovkhozes, were supposed to, as a part of a six-year economic plan, accomplish specific assignments. The Party expected them to be viable socialist enterprises providing the population with basic agricultural products, as well as ideological centers influencing the peasants in order for them to accept socialist agricultural production.}, abstract={In fact, these farms were characterized by extensive nature of production achieved as a result of growth in employment and expansion of the acreage. In Zielona Gora Province in 1950 they covered 67 285 ha of agricultural land, however, in 1953 the area, at the expense of the land acquired from peasants, increased to 169 939 ha. In 1955 the agricultural land acreage at the disposal of the enterprise was estimated at 176 067 ha.}, abstract={The number of workers belonging to the manufacturing group in the state farm in 1956 accounted for 24 318 people. In this situation, there were 100 acres of arable land to only 14 workers. Expansion of the lands, constant changing of their boundaries, surfaces and organization had a disastrous effect on the economy of State Agricultural Farms. In 1956 the overall financial result of the enterprise presented a 353.7 million Polish zloty deficit.}, title={"Fabryki zboża, mięsa i mleka". Państwowe Gospodarstwa Rolne w województwie zielonogórskim w latach 1950-1956. Wprowadzenie do problematyki = "Grain, meat and milk factory". State Agricultural Farms in Zielona Gora Province during 1950-1956. Introduction}, type={artykuł}, keywords={kolektywizacja, komunizm - Polska, Państwowe Gospodarstwa Rolne, województwo zielonogórskie, Plan 6-letni, deficyt, collectivization, State Agricultural Farms, six-year economic plan, deficit}, }