@misc{Kotula_Jacek_Otwarta, author={Kotula, Jacek}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={During the period of 1945-1989 there was a systematic development of an open and closed health care in Zielona Gora. The increasing number of citizens needed continual increasment of the figure of medical personnel that was able to fulfill the health needs of the population as well as health care infrastructure. The medical establishments due to the costs of health care underestimation fought with living conditions difficulties.}, abstract={The central country budget financing controlled the medical staff movement through the distributive-prescriptive system as well as broadened the set of people empowered to free medical services, and equally with the lack of additional funds given on their realization during years led to a serious health care crisis. There was a deficit of specialized departaments and clinics in many medical fields both in the open and closed health care establishments.}, abstract={There was a shortage of specialists too. For the improvement of medical staff condition the town and voivodeship authorities, made sure that the new coming doctors will receive apartments in Zielona Gora. Health protection had also dealt with the lack of buildings too. At the beginning the private properties were adapted as clinics. The following investments led to build health care centers and town, peripheral and voivodeship clinics.}, abstract={In 1976 central authorities decided to build a new hospital in Zielona Gora. However the increasing political and economic crisis in 70s and 80s made it impossible to finalize the investments. The renovation, modernization and extention of an existing voievodaship hospital base in Zielona Gora helped to fulfill the tasks of closed health care.}, abstract={In open health care system there were new health clinics built in the area of new housing estate at Zamenhoffa, Wiśniowa, Wyszyńskiego street and Pomorskie Estate. Economic and structural transformation of the 90s as well as financial shortcomings destined to health care protection had an influence on many investments delays and led to the increasments of health care crisis.}, title={Otwarta i zamknięta opieka zdrowotna w Zielonej Górze w latach 1945-1989 = Open and closed health care in Zielona Gora in 1945-1989}, type={artykuł}, keywords={opieka zdrowotna, Zielona Góra, lecznictwo, heath care, therapeutics}, }