@misc{Jarząbek_Wanda_Sprawa, author={Jarząbek, Wanda}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={An antagonism between a members of anti-nazi coalition made impossible to sign a peace treaty with Germany. After unification of Germany it was not sign neither. The porpouse of this paper is scratch a changing approach of authorities to the question of formal end a state of war with Germany. Poland was strongly interested in conditions of the future peace treaty with Germany. Despite the fact, that in the post war period room for maneuver of PRL authorities was limited, were formed ideas of treaty including at least a part of a problem which were importend to Poland.}, abstract={Also the authorities of PRL were trying indirectly to resolve the problem of shortage the peace treaty, both in biltaral and multilateral relationship with western Germany. The one of the most important problems, which demands regulations, was, stands for reason, a question of formal, binding agreement of prejudge issue of polish-german borderline. Depending on the need were also considering other issues.}, abstract={Shortly after the war, including the shape of the political system in Germany, forms of re-education of the German people, forms of punishment of war criminals and compensate victims of the Third Reich, including of course Poland and its citizens; later the importent problem was exploring the possibilities of formal closure of open issues in the situation of Cold War confrontation, the existence of two state formations in Germany and the lack of political independence of the Polish state.}, abstract={Since 1989 Warsaw could realize its politics independently of Moscow. An issue of lack the peace treaty have returned to talks in a period of German unification, but then neither uniting Germany nor its allies were not interested. An analize of work on the peace treaty with Germany provides a basis for discussion on the status of Polish international arena, it shows perceptions of national interest by the authorities (taking into account the political changes taking place), it reflects the changes in the international situation.}, title={Sprawa podpisania traktatu pokojowego z Niemcami w polityce państwa polskiego w latach 1945-1990 = The case of signing a peace treaty with Germany in the policy of the Polish state in 1945-1990}, type={artykuł}, keywords={traktat pokojowy, stosunki polsko-niemieckie, zimna wojna, polityka zagraniczna, dyplomacja - historia, peace treaty, polish-german relationships, cold war, history of diplomacy}, }