@misc{Osękowski_Czesław_(1952-_)_Demograficzne, author={Osękowski, Czesław (1952- )}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={On 1 January 2015, the town of Zielona Gora and the commune of Zielona Gora merged to form a single territorial self-government. Before merging, the status of both local governments was as follows: the town of Zielona Gora was an urban commune with county rights; the commune of Zielona Gora was a rural commune, made up of 17 village administration offices, including 10 bordering with Zielona Gora.}, abstract={The town of Zielona Gora had the population of about 118 500 people and covered an area of 58.34 square kilometers; the commune of Zielona Gora was inhabited by 19 000 people and covered an area of 219.90 square kilometers. Since 1 January 2015, the joined self-governments have been functioning as the town of Zielona Gora with the county rights. Before merging, the town of Zielona Gora and the commune of Zielona Gora had well organized and functioning education systems.}, abstract={The education of the merged local governments will not be solely the sum of the so far separate organizational systems. It will require, if not immediately then in a few years, the improving and reinventing the generally understood education system of the enlarged Zielona Gora, which will be enforced in particular by demographical changes. Not insignificant will be the need to standardize the quality of teaching, which will allow the achievement of comparable exam results at different levels of education.}, title={Demograficzne i migracyjne uwarunkowania rozwoju oświaty w Zielonej Górze po połączeniu miasta Zielona Góra z gminą Zielona Góra = Demographic and migrational conditions of education development in Zielona Gora after joining the town of Zielona Gora and the commune of Zielona Gora}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Zielona Góra, demografia, oświata, migracje, połączenie miasta z gminą, demography, education, migrations, the connection of city with community}, }