@misc{Trojanowski_Michał_Początkowy, author={Trojanowski, Michał}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={2nd Division of Border Guard Forces was the only border formation issued in the Poznań Military District. 4 October 1945 is considered to be the commencement date of its formation. On this day, Lt. Col. Stanisław Dobrzański came to Poznań and he was appointed acting commander of the created unit.}, abstract={On 12 November 1945, he assumed service on newly emerging western border of Poland, from Zasieki to Kostrzyn nad Odrą. This section was divided into 5 border guard offices and 25 watchtowers. Organization and service in regard to border protection were conducted in extremely difficult conditions, within areas unprepared for this kind of service. The division struggled with provisioning problems, material problems and lacks in regard to human resources.}, title={Początkowy okres formowania i służby 2 Oddziału Ochrony Pogranicza na zachodniej granicy Polski w latach 1945-1946 = The initial period of forming and service of the 2nd Border Guard Division on the western border of Poland}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Wojska Ochrony Pogranicza, pogranicze, historia wojskowości, początki władzyludowej, the border protection forces, borderland, history of military, the beginnings of people?s authority}, }