@misc{Pielka_Mateusz_Antysemityzm, author={Pielka, Mateusz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article concerns the problem of anti-Semitism in the interwar period in Pomorskie. For example, which reflects the anti-Semitic phenomena throughout the region, selected Toruń County and neighboring municipalities (Torun was the most important urban center in the province. Pomeranian their headquarters here had Voivod). The text is the fulfillment attempt to fill the gap in research on anti-Semitism in the western part of the Second Polish Republic (in this case the province Pomeranian).}, abstract={However, the chronology of events dating back to the sources aversion to Jews even in times of operation of the Prussian province of West Prussia and public relations Polish, Jewish and German (though this is the introductory part). The article is a response to the imbalance in the study of Jewish history as the greatest interest surrounds himself with only were the Russian and Austrian annexation. Polish western districts are neglected in this regard, and there are many phenomena that require explanation.}, abstract={The narrative work comes from the late nineteenth century in West Prussia, then discussed is the period of Polish independence by 1918 (in Pomerania in 1920), the following considerations apply the interwar years, the whole analysis ends in 1939 years. Since the late nineteenth century are exchanged examples of anti-Semitic acts have all been supported by springs. This scheme also applies to years 1920-1939 were discussed one by one all the political and social organizations, which in their programs or assumed statutes against the Jews.}, abstract={Also discusses the role and activities of anti-Semitic press. Considerations included the same attitude provincial and central authorities and their relationship to anti-Semitic acts, which in the 30s of the twentieth century intensified. When discussing the years 1935-1939 proved that - contrary to earlier findings - the anti-Jewish phenomenon was not weakened and pushed into the background of the threat of war.}, title={Antysemityzm w województwie pomorskim w latach 1920-1939 na przykładzie powiatu toruńskiego i okolic = Anti-Semitism in Pomorskie voivodship in the years 1920-1939. Example : The County Toruń and surrounding area?s}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Pomorze, antysemityzm, dwudziestolecie międzywojenne, powiat toruński, Pomerania, anti-Semitism, the Toruń County, interwar}, }