@misc{Wawryszuk_Paweł_Problematyka, author={Wawryszuk, Paweł}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={There were many factors, which had influence on Polish-Yugoslav relations after World War 2. Most important of them were: geopolitical situation of both countries - Poland became a part of Soviet block; Yugoslavia, after breakout in 1948 (Tito-Stalin conflict), led independent foreign policy from Moscow. In period 1956-1970, "German factor" had been present all the time in bilateral relations between Warsaw and Belgrade.}, abstract={Yugoslavia used to be criticized by Polish government due to its "too soft" policy towards Bonn. However, it is clear, that this policy was determined by Yugoslav national interest. The same aim was a priority for a state out of the Soviet block, as for Poland, whose was one of the most powerful country in. This paper describes policy of Poland and Yugoslavia towards West Germany and its influence on bilateral relations.}, title={Problematyka zachodnioniemiecka i jej wpływ na stosunki polsko-jugosłowiańskie (1956-1970). Wybrane aspekty = (West ) German Factor and its Influence on Polish-Yugoslav Relations (1956-1970). Chosen Aspects}, type={artykuł}, keywords={stosunki polsko-jugosłowiańskie, zimna wojna, polityka zagraniczna, dyplomacja - historia, polish-yugoslavian relationships, cold war, foreign policy, history of diplomacy}, }