@misc{Dziergwa_Roman_Żelazne, author={Dziergwa, Roman}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The pieces gathered in the new anthology, titled The other road are subversively called by the author; the literature of footnotes and ellipses. It is a new, important and even groundbreaking release for the Polish and socio-anthropological studies as it consists of texts that are regularly omitted in the historical and literary syntheses of Polish romanticism and, as the author rightfully notices, are thus forced to fade into obscurity.}, abstract={The editor of the anthology extracts the included works from the 19th century journals, or first editions of books that were, sadly, mostly not reprinted. In most cases those pieces were in a metaphorical hibernation for a period of years, briefly surfacing as manuscripts after the death of their authors. Some of the texts did not survive to modern times as they were irrevocably damaged or lost}, abstract={It is fair to say that Wojciech Tomasik is the first researcher in Polish literary history studies to attempt a careful revision of the landscape of Polish literature of the first half of the 19th century. It is done by documenting and analysing the experiences that were the result of increasingly frequent contact with the modern technology, including traveling the first European railroads.}, title={Żelazne drogi a literatura polskiego romantyzmu}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={koleje, pociągi, dworce kolejowe, rewizja obrazu literatury polskiej, railways, trains, railway stations, Polish literature revision}, }