@misc{Buda_Agata_Pociąg, author={Buda, Agata}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The materials used to analyse the motif of a train are two postmodern novels by English writer Antonia Susan Byatt: The Shadow of the Sun and Possession. For the writer, the train becomes the place of realisation of the unchangeable and static chronotope, whose characteristic feature is the time hiatus. These novels are analysed according to the following categorisation:}, abstract={1. A train as a link connecting the events.}, abstract={2. A train as the workplace and the space of literary contemplation.}, abstract={3. Journey by train as a journey to another state of mind and to another world.}, abstract={4. The structure of a train as the reflection of narration techniques.}, abstract={A train is a place in which time stops, letting the passengers to move to the parallel world. For some of them, this is the world, in which they can dedicate themselves to reading and creating literature, for others, this is a starting point for new experiences. The mystery accompanying the journeys, enveloped in fog and fumes coming out of the locomotive, lets the protagonists be themselves although they stay anonymous in the crowd. What is more, the construction of narration reflects the structure of a train itself.}, title={Pociąg jako tło i konstrukcja wydarzeń w powieściach Antonii Susan Byatt}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={pociągi, podróż, czasoprzestrzeń, intertekstualność, powieść autotematyczna, trains, travel, chronotope, intertextuality, surfiction}, }