@misc{Kużdorowicz_Paweł_Modelling, author={Kużdorowicz, Paweł and Witkowski, Krzysztof and Vidová, Helena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={Value stream flows in the supply chain This paper discusses supply chain management in an enterprise. A concept of modelling value stream flows defined in an integrated ERP-class information system is presented. The paper focuses on value stream flows in the areas of procurement, production, and sales in an enterprise. Such flows are illustrated by examples.}, title={Modelling value stream flows in the enterprise supply chain = Modelowanie przepływów strumieni wartości w łańcuchu dostaw przedsiębiorstwa}, type={artykuł}, keywords={łańcuch dostaw, model SCOR, strumień wartości, system ERP, supply chain, SCOR model, stream flow, ERP system}, }