@misc{Burchart-Korol_Dorota_Computer, author={Burchart-Korol, Dorota and Czaplicka-Kolarz, Krystyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={The goal of this study is to present computer applications in eco-efficiency assessment in Logistics based on Umberto for Eco-efficiency software. The study defines the major components of eco-efficiency analysis like: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Material Flow Analysis (MFA).}, abstract={According to ISO 14045:2012 eco-efficiency assessment is a quantitative management tool which enables the study of life-cycle environmental impacts of a product system along with its product system value for a stakeholder. Within eco-efficiency assessment, environmental impacts are evaluated using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).}, abstract={The eco-efficiency methodology is proposed with using Umberto for Eco-efficiency software. Therefore, this article presents the results of Life Cycle Assessment according to methods used in Umberto software on the case study of valuation of the different logistic possibilities. The results of this study can be used as the first step in performing a full cradle-to-grave eco-efficiency that includes all phases of the logistics system.}, title={Computer applications in eco-efficiency assessment in logistics = Aplikacje komputerowe w ocenie ekoefektywności systemów logistycznych}, type={artykuł}, keywords={oprogramowanie - Umberto for Eco-efficiency, systemy logistyczne, analizy przepływu materiałów (MFA), Ocena Cyklu Życia (LCA), ekoefektywność, Umberto for Eco-efficiency, logistics, Material Flow Analysis, life cycle assessment (LCA), eco-efficiency}, }