@misc{Iwanowski_Michał_Aktywizacja, author={Iwanowski, Michał}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Strategies of social activation seem to be saying to their recipients: you will progress when you are ready for a change; be flexible to changing reality; if you stop at what you have, you will stop the development. This corresponds to the managerial approach to management, one element of which is the change itself described by prof. Zygmunt Bauman. Managers follow the principle claiming that there are only two types of companies: those that undergo changes and those that fall out of the business. This simple principle fortunately does not apply to the managing of public sphere (that is not conditioned by purely commercial grounds). Coercion changes would have certain justification in case of professional activation, as facing contemporary phenomena called ?professional nomadism? or the principle of differentiation described by Piotr Sztompka - there is no other choice.}, abstract={We cannot escape from coercion changes, especially since participating in the mobilization process is principally conditioned by the need articulated by the participants themselves. On the other hand, the change cannot be the criterion in itself, in order not to violate a person?s individualism. Coercion changes (demonstrating the ability to change) ? cannot be the sole purpose of activation. There is a need for meticulous diagnose of social reality in the area covered by the strategy of activation in order to find out what impairs, paralyzes or restricts professional and civic activity. Inquiring the causes, one may predict the effects and choose the best tools of activation in the world of fluidity, uncertainty and indefiniteness, characteristic for late modernity. Keywords: activation, progress, change, fluidity, uncertainty}, title={Aktywizacja w czasach niepewności. Między przymusem zmiany a stymulowaniem zmian = Activation in times of uncertainty. Between the compulsion for change and change stimulation}, type={artykuł}, keywords={zmiana, aktywizacja, postęp, płynność, niepewność, activation, progress, change, fluidity, uncertainty}, }