@misc{Łojek_Mieczysław_(1930-2015)_Nauczanie, author={Łojek, Mieczysław (1930-2015)}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna}, language={pol}, abstract={This article presents the tendency of literature teachers (between the years of 1918-1939) to work out such types of methods which would effectively stimulate the pupils (from elementary and secondary schools) to creative and intellectual work during the school lessons as well as at home.}, abstract={Among other things, they have given some thought to the methods of lecturing, the didactic value of heuristic analysis of literary work, to the direct reading and the plan and distribution methods, the spontaneous discussion to be done by pupils, the importance of literary estimation, the asking of questions by pupils and also the forms and method problems.}, abstract={The outstanding Polish scholars and secondary school teachers such as: I. Chrzanowski, J. Kleiner, Z. Klemensiewicz, K. Wojciechowski, Z. Łempicki, M. Kridl, S. Skwarczyńska, K. Wóycicki, L. Komarnicki, J. Saloni, W. Szyszkowski, S. Tync, H. Życzyński and others have taken part in the elaboration of the more efficient teaching methods. The didactics of Polish studies during the interwar period inspired by the valuable ideas of the "creative school" proved to be inventive and efficient. Many of the teaching ideas are of perminant value.}, title={Nauczanie aktywizujące w dydaktyce literatury okresu międzywojennego = Activating Teaching in the Interwar Period Didactics}, type={artykuł}, keywords={dydaktyka literatury, literatura polska - nauczanie - 1918-1939, nauczanie aktywizujące}, }