@misc{Sinani_Gjergj_The, author={Sinani, Gjergj}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, abstract={The author discusses the role of the narrative about the past as a valuable lesson of morality. Drawing lessons from the past is the way of linking it with the present and the future. Judgments and opinions about history are based on a moral and political critique of the past. Therefore, clarifying the links between justice, morality and history is very important. The experience of totalitarianism presented as the unlimited power of government in all areas of individuals? life restricted human rights, democracy and rule of law, and it also made private initiative and the ownership rights disappear.}, abstract={Totalitarianism is the regime that causes depersonalization and dehumanization of the individual. The idea of it can be called the ?cholera of soul? since the results of it include the following phenomena: an increase in crimes, the weakening of morale and virtue, a decrease in work productivity, lack of trust, an increase in ignorance etc. Remembering and thinking of the past is an existential imperative to recognize oneself and to our present and future generations so that they do not fall into new barbarism. One of the tools to understand the past more deeply is oral history. It can also support mutual understanding in the moral partnership between families, people, state, religion}, title={The role of history in knowing ourselves = Rola historii w poznaniu siebie}, type={artykuł}, keywords={historia, ustna historia, totalitaryzm, moralność, filozofia, history, gral history, totalitarism, morality, philosophy}, }