@misc{Nalepa_Grzegorz_J._The, author={Nalepa, Grzegorz J. and Ligęza, Antoni}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={eng}, abstract={This paper describes a new approach, the HeKatE methodology, to the design and development of complex rule-basedsystems for control and decision support. The main paradigm for rule representation, namely, eXtended Tabular Trees(XTT), ensures high density and transparency of visual knowledge representation. Contrary to traditional, flat rule-basedsystems, the XTT approach is focused on groups of similar rules rather than on single rules. Such groups form decisiontables which are connected into a network for inference.}, abstract={Efficient inference is assured as only the rules necessary forachieving the goal, identified by the context of inference and partial order among tables, are fired. In the paper a newversion of the language-XTT2-is presented. It is based on ALSV(FD) logic, also described in the paper. Anotherdistinctive feature of the presented approach is a top-down design methodology based on successive refinement of theproject. It starts with Attribute Relationship Diagram (ARD) development.}, abstract={Such a diagram represents relationships betweensystem variables. Based on the ARD scheme, XTT tables and links between them are generated. The tables are filledwith expert-provided constraints on values of the attributes. The code for rule representation is generated in a humanreadablerepresentation called HMR and interpreted with a provided inference engine called HeaRT. A set of software toolssupporting the visual design and development stages is described in brief.}, title={The HeKatE methodology. Hybrid engineering of intelligent systems}, type={artykuł}, keywords={rule-based expert systems, intelligent control, system design}, }