@misc{Fagiewicz_Katarzyna_The, author={Fagiewicz, Katarzyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={In the forthcoming decades large resources of lignite are going to play a role of energy security stabiliser in Poland. This proves the significance of the problems of mining areas in geographical space and entails an increased demand for data on their structure and functioning.}, abstract={This paper shows the informative potential of the sozological and hydrographic database and the numerical Sozological and Hydrographical Maps of Poland, scale 1:50,000, which were created based on the data. The maps are a designed, implemented and functioning system of spatial information, fulfilling all tasks of GIS.}, abstract={The paper proposes a method of adapting and developing the system to a degree of detail which permits to employ it in comprehensive geoenvironmental and landscape studies in the mining and post-mining areas of the Middle Odra Region.}, abstract={The properly structured information system is a unique tool for diagnosing changes in the natural environment of mining areas in the aspects of quantifying, systematising and forecasting and constitutes an auxiliary element in making spatial planning decisions.}, title={The sozological and hygrographic maps of Poland as a basis for the analysis of environmental changes in mining areas = Sozologiczne i hydrograficzne mapy Polski jako podstawa do analizy zmian środowiska na terenach górniczych}, type={artykuł}, keywords={mapy sozologiczne, mapy hydrograficzne, tereny pogórnicze, węgiel brunatny, thematic databases, geographic information system (GIS), mining and post-mining areas}, }