@misc{Allawdin_Piotr_Heat, author={Allawdin, Piotr and Połczyński, Jarosław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={A heat transfer problem for the road pavement system "layered plate - embankment - soil base" is formulated. There are suggested mathematical models and their realization with the use of finite element analysis and design software program by solving the layered plate on the ground foundation.}, abstract={Transient thermal state for this road structure is defined by discretization of the system described by different material properties. The theoretical results are compared with the experiment data for the real road pavement of Lubuski province road No 297 on the route Zagan-Kozuchow in Poland.}, abstract={Finally, two inverse problems are formulated, to identify respectively the boundary conditions and heat material parameters of road structure by smooth (least squares) and nonsmooth (minimax) optimization. It was shown that the criterion of least squares does not give trust results and only nonsmooth criterion of minimax lead to a trust result of the identification.}, title={Heat transfer in road pavement structure and identification of its layers thermal parameters = Wymiana ciepła w konstrukcji nawierzchni drogowej i identyfikacja parametrów materiałowych tworzących jej warstwy}, type={artykuł}, keywords={nawierzchnia drogowa, wymiana ciepła, konstrukcja nawierzchni drogowej, pavement system, heat transfer problem, boundary conditions identification, road pavement system}, }