@misc{Tomczyk_Barbara_On, author={Tomczyk, Barbara}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={Thin linear-elastic cylindrical shells having a micro-periodic structure along two directions tangent to the shell midsurface (biperiodic shells) are objects of considerations. The aim of this contribution is to formulate a new mathematical nonasymptotic model for the analysis of dynamic problems for such shells.}, abstract={The model is derived by applying the combined modelling procedure presented in (11). The combined modelling includes both the asymptotic as well as the non-asymptotic (tolerance) modelling techniques. The resulting combined model has constant coefficients and takes into account the length-scale effect.}, abstract={An important advantage of the proposed model is that it makes it possible to separate the macroscopic description of special dynamic problems from their microscopic description. Application of the resulting model equations to the analysis of a certain micro-vibration problem is presented.}, title={On the modelling of dynamic problems for biperiodically stiffened cylindrical shells = Modelowanie zagadnień dynamiki w biperiodycznie użebrowanych powłokach walcowych}, type={artykuł}, keywords={powłoki walcowe typu Kirchhoffa-Love'a, powłoki periodycznie użebrowane, powłoki gęsto użebrowane, dynamika, modelowanie, biperiodic cylindrical shells, dynamics, mathematical modelling, averaging of integral functionals, lenght-scale effect}, }