@misc{Mielczarek_Karolina_Modeling, author={Mielczarek, Karolina and Bohdziewicz, Jolanta and Kwarciak-Kozłowska, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The paper presents the results of studies on coking wastewater, coming from the coke plant "Koksownia Czestochowa Nowa" in two integrated systems associating coagulation volume and advanced oxidation with reverse osmosis. The process of coagulation were performed using iron sulfate (III), (PIX 113) of 400 mg/dm3 and wastewater acidity at pH = 9.}, abstract={The second processes - advanced oxidation was carried out using Fenton's reagent. The concentration of iron (II) was 0.8 g/dm3 and hydrogen peroxide 2.4 g/dm3. Coke post-process water after its initial treatment was subjected to high-pressure membrane filtration. In the process of reverse osmosis a flat polyamide membrane ADF of Osmonics was used.}, abstract={Transmembrane pressure was 2 MPa and the linear speed of water on the membrane surface of 2m/s. Comparison of the effectiveness of wastewater treatment in both tested systems has shown that the system combining the advanced oxidation with reverse osmosis is more effective. In addition, this study attempts to model effectiness of the process of reverse osmosis in both studied systems, based on the assumptions of a relaxation model.}, abstract={An experimentally determined dependence of changes in volume of treated wastewater fluxes from the time of the high-pressure membrane filtration, and the values of time constant efficiency of the process characterized by a decrease to below economic viability allowed us fo verify this model.}, title={Modeling performance in reverse osmosis wastewater treatment post-trial coke in the integrated systems based on the assumptions of the relaxation model = Modelowanie wydajności procesu odwróconej osmozy w oczyszczaniu poprocesowych wód koksowniczych w układzie zintegrowanym w oparciu o założenia modelu relaksacyjnego}, type={artykuł}, keywords={oczyszczanie ścieków koksowniczych, koagulacja objętościowa, model relaksacyjny, odwrócona osmoza, coking wastewater, volume coagulation, advanced oxidation, relaxation model, reverse osmosis}, }