@misc{Dąbek_Zbigniew_Reduction, author={Dąbek, Zbigniew}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The publication presents the experiment conducted on the nitrophyte plants of the species Polygonum persicaria L. and Epilobium parviflorum Schr., in the micro- cultivation with the inert filter bed filled in with an artificial aggregate, keramzite. The plants were fertilized with domestic wastewater separated in a well settling tank with the Čoanda effect separator.}, abstract={A chemical quantitative analysis for absorbents in the plant parts was performed after their spectrophotometric burning to ashes. The unification of the results was suggested by introducing a marker of the biological element absorption A_b, which was calculated as the ratio of the element in the plant ash to the content of the element in the plant growing in the soil.}, abstract={A water migration marker of the element K_x in the water solution was deduced from the ratio between the element content of dry water to its content of the eroding filter bed. A comparison was made between nitrogen and phosphorus absorption in the nitrophyte and macrophyte plants representing Phragmites communis Cov. and Glyceria maxima which revealed similarities in the absorption of biogenic elements in the vegetative parts of these plants.}, title={Reduction of pollutant concentrations in the plant systems with the inert filter bed. Part I: biological absorbtion of nitrogen and phosphorus in nitrophytes in micro - cultivations fertilized with domestic wastewater = Redukcja stężeń zanieczyszczeń w roślinnych systemach ze złożem inertnym. Część pierwsza: absorpcja biologiczna azotu i fosforu w nitrofitach z mikroupraw nawożonych ściekami bytowymi}, type={artykuł}, keywords={absorpcja biologiczna, migracja, keramzyt, nitrofity, ścieki bytowe, absorption, migration, keramzite, nitrophytes, lithospheric clarke, separated wastewater}, }