@misc{Fruzińska_Róża_Accumulation, author={Fruzińska, Róża}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The paper presents the results of research on the content of iron in a subtotal form in the soils of metal industry areas and the content of iron in the grass growing in the test area. Research on the content of iron in soils and grasses was carried out in 2009-2010.}, abstract={The results indicated that the content of iron in soils taken from the premises of the metals industry plant was greater than in soils from areas not covered by direct anthropopressure. The content of iron found in soils was from 1,06% dw to 8,13% dw with the content of 0,6% dw in the control areas.}, abstract={The plants studied showed the presence of iron at the level of 0,027-0,104% dw with a content of 0,009% dw in the control areas. The accumulation of iron in the soils of the area under research is the result of a longterm industrial activity (which started in 1876), based on the manufacture of rolling stock and steel elements.}, title={Accumulation of iron in the soil-plant system in a metal industry area = Kumulacja żelaza w układzie gleba-roślina na terenie przemysłu metalowego}, type={artykuł}, keywords={przemysł metalowy, zanieczyszczenie gleby, kumulacja żelaza, metal industry, soil contamination, bioaccumulation of iron}, }