@misc{Mielczarek_Karolina_Coking, author={Mielczarek, Karolina and Bohdziewicz, Jolanta and Kwarciak-Kozłowska, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The article compares the efficiencies of coke plant wastewater treatment in the integrated systems that combine physicochemical and chemical purification methods with ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis. The wastewater treated came from the "Coke Plant Czestochowa New".}, abstract={In the process of volume coagulation the coagulant used was sulfate (VI) iron (III)-PIX-113, with the dosage of 400 mg/dm3 and pH was 9. In the advanced oxidation Fenton's reagent was applied, with the concentration of iron equal to 0.8g/dm3 and hydrogen peroxide 2.4 g/dm3.}, abstract={Coke plant wastewater treatment after its initial purification was performed by means of ultrafiltration process with the use of a polysulfone membrane with 16% weight content of polysulfones in the film-forming solution and a 5-second time of solvent evaporation from the membrane surface.}, abstract={In spite of the fact that treated coke oven wastewater presented high values of pollution indicators, making it impossible to drain into the natural receiver or sewer, it was posttreated in the process of reverse osmosis using a nylon membrane (ADF), of an American company Osmonics. The article also presents an attempt of modelling of low-pressure membrane filtration efficiency based on the relaxation model assumptions.}, title={Coking plant wastewater treatment in integrated systems combining volume coagulation and advanced oxidation with pressure membrane techniques = Oczyszczanie poprocesowych wód koksowniczych w układach zintegrowanych łączących metody koagulacji objętościowej i pogłębionego utleniania z ciśnieniowymi technikami membranowymi}, type={artykuł}, keywords={ścieki koksownicze, koagulacja objętościowa, odczynnik Fentona, ciśnieniowe techniki membranowe, ultrafiltracja, coke plant wastewater, volumetric coagulation, Fenton's reagent, pressure membrane techniques, ultrafiltration}, }