@misc{Hudak_Magda_The, author={Hudak, Magda and Paczkowska, Andżelika}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The Polish segment of the E70 International Waterway comprises an area stretching from the western border of Poland with Germany (the estuary of the Warta River) to Żuławy Wiślane (including the area surrounding the Polish part of the Vistula Lagoon). This waterway leads along the Warta River, the Noteć River, the Bydgoski Canal, the Brda River and the delta of the Vistula River.}, abstract={The intensity of the use of the existing waterway is low. This is caused, among other things by, the inadequate technical condition of some of the ports and harbours, and also by the limited supply of tourist services or lack of tourist infrastructure. Moreover, the tourist season on the waterway in question is limited to 3-4 months.}, abstract={The article suggests an idea for improvement in the tourist development of the area of the Lower Warta River, from Santok to Kostrzyn on the Oder River, by the location of point objects of infrastructure. They will create good conditions for mass and individual tourism in the segment of the waterway in question, which may result in the economic growth of the region, and also good neighbour relations with Germany.}, abstract={The organization of good infrastructure and a clever educational policy in terms of ecology may also contribute to minimising the bad influence of tourism on the environment.}, title={The tourist infrastructure of the waterway in a segment of the lower Warta River = Infrastruktura turystycznego szlaku wodnego na odcinku Dolnej Warty}, type={artykuł}, keywords={turystyka wodna, szlak wodny, infrastruktura turystyczna, Dolna Warta, water tourism, objects of infrastructure, Warta river}, }