@misc{Olejko_Wiesław_Transformation, author={Olejko, Wiesław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={At the turn of the century Polish cities witnessed radical changes due to the political, economic and social transformations which resulted in the technical, social, and cultural degradation of the existing former industrial buildings. On the wave of the common process of revitalization in recent years, many industrial buildings have been transformed.}, abstract={Although the revitalisation processes in our country are based on the recommended by the EU document called - Local Revitalization Programme - in many cases only the easiest type of regeneration is actually taking place, i.e. an adaptation of the object. Its main feature is the lack of a significant contribution to the development of the surrounding areas, in spatial and social terms.}, abstract={This is due to inadequate level of organization of our state, government agencies and legal regulations. The project described in this paper, which has been elaborated as the Master's Thesis, shows the type of action that can be called ?grassroots? revitalisation, emerging from the citizen's initiative, with the real participation of local communities, and the needs and methods of their fulfillment properly recognised and defined.}, title={Transformation of an industrial facilities - revitalisation or adaptation = Przekształcenia obiektów przemysłowych - rewitalizacja czy adaptacja}, type={artykuł}, keywords={obiekty przemysłowe, przekształcenia obiektów przemysłowych, rewitalizacja, adaptacja, industrial facilities, transformation of industrial facilities, revitalisation, adaptation}, }