@misc{Tomanek_Michał_Modernisation, author={Tomanek, Michał}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={In an Upper Silesian town Pyskowice, there are three urban complexes: a historic center with traditionally arranged medieval buildings, a housing complex built before World War II for the needs of railway workers and a housing estate built in connection with a planned vast industrial investment for its workers in the socialist realism times.}, abstract={The first complex was subject to the slow transformations related to the cultural changes characteristic for the European culture. Despite the dramatic misfortunes, its 13th-century origins preserved. The two remaining complexes were built as houses for new economic investments. At present, the communities of the estates face the problem of how to further develop the ideological remnants of the estates on their own.}, abstract={A problem of functional integration of the housing complexes, designed as separate ones, occurred. The modernisation works, related to the town development, refer to the fields of town planning and architecture. They also make it possible to observe the technical and technological advancements of the times they were erected.}, abstract={The presented examples of the modernisation works throw light on the cultural awareness of the designers and investors of the times and their understanding of the importance of the notion of surrounding. The newly arising architectural forms demonstrate an interesting reference to the local tradition and the existing forms.}, title={Modernisation of historic housing complexe in Pyskowice = Modernizacja historycznych zespołów mieszkaniowych w Pyskowicach}, type={artykuł}, keywords={kompleks miejski, zespół mieszkaniowy, centrum historyczne, Pyskowice, urban complex, historical center, emloyee housing}, }