@misc{Wagner_Tomasz_Selected, author={Wagner, Tomasz and Nakonieczny, Ryszard}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={At the beginning of the economic transformation in Poland, buildings constructed after 1945 were treated as symbols of an unacceptable system. Currently, the modernist architecture of the twentieth century is seen as an important element of historical and cultural heritage. However, the problem of its protection against a number of adverse events that may lead to the loss of its essential values and often result in its destruction has been recently growing.}, abstract={The spectacular examples include demolition of the railway station in Katowice (built in 1964-1972) or the reconstruction of a part of the historic structure forced by the protests of various parties. Therefore, the authors attempted to identify the key factors for determining the assessment methods of modernist buildings, and to find possible ways of their transformations.}, abstract={At the same time, it is essential to indicate the significant risks that result both from the lack of understanding of the needs to protect the selected objects (erected in this period), and from the problems that result from the current legislation.}, title={Selected practical and methodological aspects of renovations and adaptations of modernist buildings from the after-war period in Upper Silesia = Wybrane aspekty praktyczne i metodologiczne renowacji i adaptacji obiektów modernistycznych z lat powojennych na terenie Górnego Śląska}, type={artykuł}, keywords={obiekty modernistyczne, architektura modernistyczna, Śląsk, Górny, adaptacja, renowacja obiektów, modernist buildings, modernist architecture, Upper Silesia, renovation, adaptation}, }