@misc{Walczak_Bartosz_Problems, author={Walczak, Bartosz and Kurzac, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The introduction to the historical window frames in industrial facilities presents the historical background. The issue will be discussed on the example of 19th century industrial facilities, as well as in the context of the solutions applied in other European countries.}, abstract={The characteristic of a standard factory window is presented on the basis of a typological analysis. The evaluation of the values of historical metal windows is the key point for the issue if and how original historical window frames should be protected. The importance of window frames for the recognition of a given historical monument as an industrial facility should be raised in the first instance.}, abstract={It is also important for the local identity. The degradation of the windows and their numerous drawbacks counteract their aesthetic and technical values. The paper discusses the main conservatory issues related to historical metal windows as well as the possibilities of treating them in light of adaptations of post-industrial buildings and the requirements of the current building standards.}, abstract={The methods of the repair and protection of architectural metal elements or their replacement into new ones will be discussed on the example of solutions applied in buildings adapted to new functions, in Lodz. The paper also presents windows with historical references available on the market.}, title={Problems of restoration of window frames in the 19th century industrial facilities on the example of Łódź = Problematyka konserwatorska ślusarki okiennej w XIX wiecznych obiektach przemysłowych na przykładzie Łodzi}, type={artykuł}, keywords={ramy okienne, ślusarka okienna, obiekty historyczne, obiekty poprzemysłowe, problemy konserwatorskie, dziedzictwo postindustrialne, Łódź, window frames, post-industrial objects, postindustrial heritage, window maintenance}, }