@misc{Mumot_Marcin_Predicting, author={Mumot, Marcin}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The paper concerns soil-metal structures made of a thin shell (usually - corrugated steel) and soil backfill. During backfilling significant deformations of the structure can be observed (the upper part of the shell buckles and its width narrows). This phenomenon results in a subsequent prestressing effect during placing the backfill material above the crown of the structure.}, abstract={In the paper the method of bending moment determination in the crown of the structure, which is the main component affecting stresses in the steel shell, is proposed. The results obtained using in-situ method were compared with the results obtained using FEM software. The conclusions were drawn and the diagrams presenting the curvatures necessary to estimate values of the bending moment in the crown of the structure were obtained from the studies.}, abstract={Relations that could help in development of the methodology for determining internal forces in the crown of the structure of different geometry were found. The studies will help in designing of that type of structures and will allow to prevent critical forces in the steel shells during the erection process.}, title={Predicting bending moment in crown of soil-steel structure built as ecological crossing for animals = Prognozowanie momentów zginających w kluczu konstrukcji gruntowo-powłokowych budowanych jako przejścia ekologiczne dla zwierząt}, type={artykuł}, keywords={konstrukcje gruntowo-powłokowe, przejście ekologiczne, stal falista, deformacja konstrukcji, soil-steel structures, ecological crossing, corrugated steel, soil backfill, deformation, bending moment}, }