@misc{Pawlak_Zdzisław_Application, author={Pawlak, Zdzisław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={In this paper static analysis of Kirchhoff plates is considered. A transverse and in-plane loading is taken into consideration. The Finite Strip Method is used and the suitable fundamental solutions are applied. According to the finite strip method a continuous structure is divided into a set of identical elements simply supported on opposite edges. The unknowns are deflections and transverse slope variables along the nodal lines.}, abstract={The finite difference formulation is applied to express the equilibrium conditions of the discrete system. This reduces the number of degrees of freedom. The solution of a difference equation of equilibrium yields the fundamental function of the considered plate strip. The fundamental solution derived in this way, can be used to solve the static problem of a finite plate in the analogous way as the boundary element method is applied for continuous systems.}, title={Application of fundamental solutions to the static analysis of thin plates subjected to transverse and in-plane loading = Zastosowanie funkcji fundamentalnych w analizie statycznej płyt cienkich obciążonych poprzecznie i w płaszczyźnie}, type={artykuł}, keywords={metoda pasm skończonych, płyty Kirchhoffa, analiza statyczna, płyty cienkie, finite strip method, Kirchhoff plates, static analysis, thin plates}, }