@misc{Teppel_Angelika_Hydraulic, author={Teppel, Angelika and Tymiński, Tomasz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={This article presents an overview of the design solutions for fishways which are locates nearby hydrotechnical constructions. Currently fashionable and recommended hydraulic design of fishways are moving towards "close to nature" solutions. Their characteristic feature is applicable to the construction a natural building materials (tree trunks, stones, gravel, vegetation) in such a way that its appearance resembled a small natural water courses.}, abstract={Design of hydraulic fishways based solely on the criteria of maximum speed vmaxand parameter of unitary energy of water E, it does not give complete information about the effectiveness of these devices. In order to produce the optimal flow conditions for ichthyofauna, very useful are spatial structure research of hydraulic parameters, such as disorders of velocity field or the degree distributions of turbulence Tu.}, abstract={The article presents an example of such a study, which the authors carried out on the model seminatural fishway in the water laboratory in Institute of Environmental Engineering in Wrocław. The results were used to assess the accuracy of the functioning of the fishway.}, title={Hydraulic research for successful fish migration improvement - ?nature-like? fishways = Badania hydrauliczne dla poprawy warunków migracji ryb - przepławki ?bliskie naturze?}, type={artykuł}, keywords={przepławki dla ryb, warunki hydrauliczne, przepływ wody, model testowy, fish ladders, water flow, hydraulic conditions, model test}, }