@misc{Fagiewicz_Katarzyna_Shaping, author={Fagiewicz, Katarzyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The article presents the issues of shaping the water conditions in the mining areas given the example of Brown Coal Mine "Adamów". At the stage of the exploitation of deposit by opencast mining, the water conditions in the mining areas are transformed, which is associated with the need to adapt their functions to the needs of the mining and energy sectors.}, abstract={These changes relate to the deep dehydration of aquifer horizons, transformation of hydrographic network (removal of watercourses, reconstruction of the riverbeds, construction of drainage canals) and, consequently, changes in the water cycle. After the exploitation, the reconstruction of water resources becomes an essential condition to achieving the equilibrium of these areas.}, abstract={The concept of formation of water conditions in the post-mining areas of KWB (Brown Coal Mine) "Adamów" presented in the study, takes into account the environmental aspect of the functioning of the water management (shaping of landscape water retention through the construction of water reservoirs, limitation of water discharges from the drainage to the network of surface water and retention within the catchment area) as well as its social dimension (development of recreational-holiday functions).}, title={Shaping the water conditions in the postmining areas (a case-study of Brown Coal Mine "Adamów") = Kształtowanie stosunków wodnych na obszarach górniczych (na przykładzie Kopalni Węgla Brunatnego "Adamów")}, type={artykuł}, keywords={obszary pogórnicze, warunki wodne, odzyskiwanie wody, post-mining areas, water conditions, water reclamation}, }