@misc{Małyszko_Justyna_Barrage, author={Małyszko, Justyna and Kubicz, Justyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The main idea of this study was to analyze an influence of altering water level, by the barrage Bartoszowice ? Opatowice, on the groundwater in adjacent areas. In this paper a physiographic characteristic of the Big Island and characteristics of barrages are presented.}, abstract={A simulation of the influence of a flood wave passing in 1997 on water level in the study area was presented. The simulation included: period before the flood, period of flood wave passing through Wrocław and period after the flood. To carry out model testing previously collected physiographic data and data regarding water levels in 1997. The test were carried out using mathematical model FIZ, that allows modeling of groundwater flow.}, abstract={For hydrotechnical engineers influence of structures altering water level on groundwater is an important issue, because it can disturb foundations of existing structures, adjacent buildings or other objects in close proximity of groundwater influence. It is worth to predict the influence of a hydrotechnical structure on groundwater.}, title={Barrage Bartoszowice-Opatowice influence on groundwater state in adjacent areasm in 1997 = Oddziaływanie stopnia wodnego Bartoszowice - Opatowice na stany wód podziemnych terenów przyległych w 1997 roku}, type={artykuł}, keywords={wody podziemne, wody gruntowe, stopnie piętrzące, przyrosty stanów wód, Wielka Wyspa, Odra, ground water, earth water, barrages, computer modelling, water level increase, Big Island}, }