@misc{Werle_Sebastian_Gasification, author={Werle, Sebastian}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={Today, there is a rising interest in many countries in ?traditional? (e.g. agro and forest) biomass and waste biomass (e.g. sewage sludge) utilization processes (e.g. combustion, co-combustion, gasification and pyrolysis). During the last twenty years, there has been a major change in the way that sludge is disposed.}, abstract={For example, in the European Union (EU) landfill or water deposition of the sewage sludge with the e.g. higher heating value (HHV) equal to 6 MJ/kg will be prohibited. In light of there is a large and pressing need for the development of thermal methods for the disposal of sewage sludge.}, abstract={Gasification has several advantages over traditional combustion process. This work investigates sewage sludge gasification in a fixed bed gasifier. The effects of operating conditions on the gasification process were investigated.}, title={Gasification process as a complex method of sewage sludge treatment = Zgazowanie jako kompleksowa metoda zagospodarowania osadów ściekowych}, type={artykuł}, keywords={zgazowanie osadów ściekowych, zagospodarowanie osadów ściekowych, osady ściekowe, biomasa odpadowa, gasification, sewage sludge, sludge management}, }