@misc{Rapp_Piotr_Stress, author={Rapp, Piotr}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The subject of this paper is formulation of shear stress equations for plane two-dimensional adhesive layers present in adhesively bonded joints. The adherends are assumed to have the same thickness and be made of an isotropic material. The shape of theadherends in the joint plane is arbitrary.}, abstract={The adhesive joint can be subjected to a shear stress arbitrarily distributed on the adherends surfaces as well as normal and shear stresses arbitrarily distributed along the adherends edges. A set of two partial differential equations of the second order with shear stresses in the adhesive as unknowns has been formulated.}, abstract={For a particular case of rectangular joints a set of 12 base functions has been derived; their appropriate linear combinations uniquely define shear stresses in the adhesive for a joint loaded arbitrarily by a set of axial forces, bending moments and shear forces.}, title={Stress equations for adhesive in two-dimensional adhesively bonded joints = Równania naprężeń w płaskich dwuwymiarowych spoinach klejowych}, type={artykuł}, keywords={połączenie klejone, modele analityczne, dwuwymiarowa analiza naprężeń, izotropia, sprężystość liniowa, adhesively bonded joints, analytical models, two dimensional shear stresses, isotropy, linear elasticity}, }