@misc{Polus_Łukasz_A, author={Polus, Łukasz and Szumigała, Maciej}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={In this paper a numerical analysis of the resistance and stiffness of the aluminium and concrete composite beam is presented. Composite aluminium and concrete structures are quite new and they have not been thoroughly tested. Composite structures have a lot of advantages.}, abstract={The composite aluminium and concrete beam is more corrosion-resistant, fire-resistant and stiff than the aluminium beam. The contemporary idea of sustainable buildings relies on new solutions which are more environmentally friendly. Aluminium is lighter and more resistant to corrosion than steel, which is often used in composite structures.}, title={A numerical analysis of the resistance and stiffness of the aluminium and concrete composite beam = Analiza numeryczna nośności i sztywności belki zespolonej aluminiowo - betonowej}, type={artykuł}, keywords={belka zespolona, belka betonowo-aluminiowa, analiza numeryczna, aluminium and concrete beam, composite beam, numerical analysis}, }