@misc{Majewska_Anna_Quarter, author={Majewska, Anna and Denis, Małgorzata}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The district "New Praga" is located on the right-bank of Warsaw in North Praga which is one of the oldest districts of the city. The citizens of this district, where an analyzed building quarter is located, are people with a lower social status than the rest of Warsaw?s population, who benefit from the social assistance (30%); moreover, there are a large number of crimes and high unemployment among young people in this area.}, abstract={These data show how difficult is to modernize this area because the improvement of a construction tissue is not enough to fully help the local community. Financial resources are needed to increase the level of education that allows finding new jobs and improves the quality of life. Afterwards, the modernization of tenements should be taken care for.}, title={Quarter modernization of construction residential "New Praga" in Warsaw - risks and possibilities = Modernizacja kwartału zabudowy mieszkaniowej "Nowej Pragi" w Warszawie, zagrożenia i możliwości}, type={artykuł}, keywords={modernizacja zabudowy, kamienica, krajobraz kulturowy, modernization of building, tenement, cultural landscape}, }