@misc{Kirschke_Paweł_Revaluation, author={Kirschke, Paweł}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={In the years 2005-2013 in Wroclaw, there was commissioned to use hundreds of public buildings, including fifty revalued monuments These were: offices, museums, theatres, science and education facilities, as well as commercial buildings: banks, department stores, office buildings and hotels.}, abstract={The success of these projects was the merit of Wroclaw scientists who nurtured these outstanding works of architecture and convince the public to the fact that they stand for works which cannot be missed. The merit of architects and conservators was professionally prepared projects and effective supervision of investment, making the implementation of technical and program objectives not colliding with protection of historic material of the objects.}, title={Revaluation of Wrocław public use buildings in years 2005-2013 = Rewaloryzacja wrocławskich budynków użyteczności publicznej w latach 2005-2013}, type={artykuł}, keywords={obiekty użyteczności publicznej, budynki komercyjne, rewaloryzacja, Wrocław, buildings of public use, commercial buildings, restoration}, }