@misc{Marcinowski_Jakub_Reinforcement, author={Marcinowski, Jakub and Różycki, Zbigniew}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The paper deals with tubular, cast-iron columns which should be reinforced due to the planned new structural function of these elements. According to the requirements of the monument conservator the general appearance of columns should not be altered significantly. Reinforcement with an external, thin coating (sleeve or jacket) made of composite (carbon fibre reinforced polymer - CFRP) was proposed. Details of the proposed technique were presented.}, abstract={The reinforcement effect was verified in destructive test sperformed on two columns without reinforcement and the two other columns reinforced with the chosen technique. Due to the expected very high load capacity of the axially loaded column, the test rig was designed in such a manner that the force could be applied on big eccentricity. For this purpose a special base was prepared (comp. Fig. 1). Destructive tests have confirmed the high effectiveness of the adopted strengthening technique.}, title={Reinforcement of existing cast-iron structural elements by means of fiber reinforced composites = Wzmacnianie istniejących, żeliwnych elementów konstrukcyjnych za pomocą włóknokompozytów}, type={artykuł}, keywords={słupy żeliwne, wzmocnienie, powłoka kompozytowa, CFRP, badania nieniszczące, cast iron columns, reinforecement, composite jacket, destructive tests}, }