@misc{Orczykowski_Tomasz_Retention, author={Orczykowski, Tomasz and Tiukało, Andrzej}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={Land use is considered as a non-structural, ecologically beneficial flood protection measure. Forest as one of the land use types has many useful applications which can be observed in detail on www.nwrm.eu website project. It is scientifically proved that afforestation influences flood events with high probability of occurrence. However, it is still to be argued how to measure land use impact on the hydrological response of watershed and how it should be measured in an efficient and quantifiable way.}, abstract={Having the tool for such an impact measurement, we can build efficient land management strategies. It is difficult to observe the impact of land use on flood events in the field. Therefore, one of the possible solutions is to observe this impact indirectly by means of hydrological rainfall-runoff models as a proxy for the reality. Such experiments were conducted in the past. Our study aims to work on the viability assessment, methodology and tools that allow to observe this impact with use of selected hydrological models and readily available data in Poland.}, abstract={Our first reaserch site is located within headwaters of the Kamienna river watershed. This watershed has been affected by ecological disaster, which resulted in loss of 65% of forest coverage. Our proposed methodology is to observe this transformation and its effect on the watershed response to heavy precipitation and therefore change in the flood risk.}, title={Retention of afforestation areas as part of flood protection - research site and methodology for headwater watershad in Poland = Retencja leśna zlewni jako element ochrony przeciwpowodziowej}, type={artykuł}, keywords={naturalna retencja, modelowanie hydrologiczne, użytkowanie terenu, ochrona przeciwpowodziowa, natural water retention measures, hydrological modelling, land use, flood protection}, }