@misc{Szymanowska-Gwiżdż_Agnieszka_Impact, author={Szymanowska-Gwiżdż, Agnieszka and Steidl, Tomasz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The paper presents the problems connected with preserved examples of buildings in Upper Silesia that contain the elements of half-timbered walls. This type of construction currently characterizes houses of various utility functions. Often, their formation was related to the construction of patron settlements, accompanied by the development of industrial plants.}, abstract={Today, there is a problem of insufficient thermal insulation of barriers in half-timbered houses and numerous attempts to improve their thermal parameters are observed. In this type of projects, the correct determination of the existing state in terms of construction of the barrier and thermal protection seems to be important, as the starting points for further analysis. The study determines the insulation of frame walls with ceramic fill, with a variety of material and construction solutions. Literature examples and in situ measurements results were used for the research.}, title={Impact of building walls of historic objects from half-timbered wall in their state of thermal protection = Wpływ budowy ścian historycznych budynków z muru pruskiego na ich stan ochrony cieplnej}, type={artykuł}, keywords={mur pruski, izolacyjność termiczna, ochrona cieplna, half-timbered wall, thermal insularity, thermal protection}, }