@misc{Kojs_Wojciech_Niektóre, author={Kojs, Wojciech}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna}, language={pol}, abstract={The author discusses the following questions: text as a didactic aid; connections of text with components of didactic process; analysis as a cognitive activity and the model of analysis - purposes, aids, methods, object and subject of analytical activity; controling and evaluating of analytical activity - the functions of control and valuation in the activity.}, abstract={The author widely describes instruments of didactic analysis of text. He stresses the significance of the education purposes in distinguishing and in defining the value of text components. So-called "systems of questions" are stressed as well. The "system of questions", used by teacher and pupil, is strictly connected with the contents of a general concept and becomes a good instrument for the analysis of texts. The contents of a "system of questions" coincides with contents of texts. As an example, the author presents a ''system of questions" connected with the concept of intentional activity and points out possibilities of using it for the analysis of text.}, title={Niektóre aspekty dydaktycznej analizy tekstu = Some aspects of didactic analysis of text}, type={artykuł}, keywords={tekst literacki, analiza}, }