@misc{Frycie_Stanisław_Potrzeby, author={Frycie, Stanisław and Podgórski, Wojciech}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna}, language={pol}, abstract={The analysis of the problem pointed out by the litle of the present paper has constituted the basis for forrnulating the following conclusions:}, abstract={l. Conclusions referring to the staff requirements: - the limits of acceptance at the departments of Polish should be correlated with the prognostic employment of the teachers of the Polish language and literatura, - a motivating system guranteeing the increased interest in the teacher's profession should be constituted.}, abstract={2. Conclusions referring to the education of teachers: - the syllabuses should be systematically correlated with the requirements of the school practice, - there is a necessity to modernize the system of the practical studies of the teacher's profession.}, abstract={3. Conclusions referring to the in-service training: - there is a necessity to unify and integrate the in-service training procedure, - the allocation of time guarated legally to the in-service training of teachers should be respected.}, title={Potrzeby kadrowe oświaty, nowe programy szkolne a kształcenie i doskonalenie nauczycieli języka polskiego (Ekspertyza) = The staff requirements of the educational system, new syllabus designs at school versus under- and postgraduate studies of the teachers of Polish}, type={artykuł}, keywords={język polski - nauczanie, nauczyciele, badania}, }