@misc{Rosada_Janusz_Ocena, author={Rosada, Janusz and Przewocka, Marta}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The aim of conducted studies was to identify atypical diseases symptoms occurring in agricultural crops located in the area affected by industry (agricultural area covered by gas and dust emissions from Copper Smelter GŁOGÓW), as well as in crops grown on areas not influenced by antropopression (Lasocice near Leszno, Uścikowo near Oborniki Wlkp., Barcinek near Biskupice Wlkp.).}, abstract={Efforts have been made to determine whether changes observed in plants are a result of non-infectious diseases. Occurrence of such diseases may be the outcome of direct anthropogenic factors impact on the plants, or the result of deficiency or excess of nutrients contained in soils. The research helped to determine the role of abiotic factors causing these diseases in controlled crops.}, title={Ocena kondycji upraw rolniczych objętych emisjami przemysłu hutniczego = Assessment of agricultural crops condition covered by emissions of metallurgy industry}, type={artykuł}, keywords={uprawa rolnicza, czynniki abiotyczne, przemysł hutniczy, agricultural crops, abiotic factors, metallurgy industry}, }