@misc{Frąckiewicz-Wronka_Aldona_Key, author={Frąckiewicz-Wronka, Aldona and Szołtysek, Jacek and Kotas, Maria}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={The basic goal behind any action undertaken in an organization management is the will to achieve success. Key (or critical) success factors are the organization's resources, competence and qualification that create its competitive advantage on a particular market at a given time, and are able to determine its possible future success. The aim of this article is to identify key success factors of the social service organizations in the public sector.}, abstract={The analysis of the overall evaluation of the distinct areas for an organization's future success (calculated as the mean of each respondent?s rating of the items in the areas) demonstrated that, according to the respondents, staff competence is the most important. This area's mean rating amounted to 6.27 points in a seven-point scale. It should be stressed that the diversification of the items' rating in the area was relatively low, with the standard deviation being 0.76 points.}, abstract={Such a value indicates that the respondents were rather unanimous in their evaluation of staff competence as of the utmost importance to an organization's success. The items which weigh to an organization's future success was rated very highly, at over 6 points, were service quality (mean: 6.07 points) and teamwork (mean: 6.07 points). Also the average score of funds accessibility amounted to 6 points. According to the respondents, the items of the least importance to an organization's future success proved to be terms of employment (mean: 5.18 points) and inter-organizational cooperation (mean: 5.66).}, abstract={However, it needs to be emphasis should be put on the fact that the respondents evaluated all the areas of the research as important, and the differences between the ratings of particular areas were relatively minor. Moreover, the diversification of these ratings might be described as little, as reflected in the values of standard variations that do not exceed 1 point, and in moderate values of range.}, title={Key success factors of social services organizations in the public sector = Kluczowe czynniki sukcesu organizacji świadczących usługi socjalne w sektorze publicznym}, type={artykuł}, keywords={kluczowe czynniki sukcesu, organizacja publiczna, usługi socjalne, key success factors strategy, public organization, social services}, }