@misc{Borowski_Piotr_F._Strategy, author={Borowski, Piotr F.}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={This paper presents the results of the research concerning of selection of an appropriate strategy for the development strategy of Egyptian universities, in an era of political crisis. In Egypt after the revolution of 2011 and the fall of President Mubarak there was a period of unpredictable political changes, which result are continuous demonstrations and riots in the streets of large cities.}, abstract={In July 2013, there took place a further social unrest that led to the fall of President Morsi and the introduction of control by the army. In such an unstable, turbulent and unpredictable environment the universities seek their proper path of development. One of approach used by Universities is an adaptation strategy, which meets in Egypt, however, with strong cultural and social circumstances.}, title={Strategy of adaptation in the management system at the Egyptian Universities after Arab Spring Uprising - revolution and aftermath = Strategia adaptacji w systemie zarządzania na egipskich uniwersytetach po Arabskiej Wiośnie Ludów - rewolucja i jej następstwa}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Zarządzanie strategiczne, adaptacja, makrootoczenie, Strategic management, adaptation, macroenvironment}, }