@misc{Mazur_Karolina_Project, author={Mazur, Karolina}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={The conceptual model of the types of social exchange in project teams has been presented in the study. The perspective of a boundary spanned organization has been accepted as the basis of the analysis. The author conducted a critical review of literature in the area of relation between the quality of social exchange (referred to models: LMX, TMX and MMX) and such variables as: IP, OCB, OCBO, OCBI and COCB. The analysis included 87 research studies. A vertical and horizontal meta-analysis was made. The legitimacy of a conceptual model has been confirmed. The results of analysis indicated future research directions for independent research projects.}, title={Project management in boundary spanned teams - diversified directions of social exchange. The meta-analytical approach = Zarządzanie projektami w zespołach o rozszerzonych granicach a problem wymiany społecznej - podejście metaanalityczne}, type={artykuł}, keywords={zarządzanie projektami, zespoły projektowe, rozszerzanie granic, wydajność indywidualna, metaanaliza, project management, boundary spanning, individual performance, meta-analytical}, }