@misc{Bednarczuk_Arkadiusz_Kulturowe, author={Bednarczuk, Arkadiusz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, abstract={The article discussed the cultural importance of Hellenistic jewelry decorated with node, which was known as the knot of Heracles. The article speaks to the concept by Michael Pfrommera, meaning that a node of Heracles in the Hellenistic period was associated with the sphere of the Macedonian politics. Critique has been subjected to the concept by Hedwig Kenner, which sources popularity node in Greek art saw in specifically understood the religious sphere and the ?inner nature of deity?.}, abstract={Consideration has also been attention Berta Segall, who saw in jewelry with a knot of Herakles manifestation participate in the mysteries of the Great Goddess. The article treats the knot of Herakles as sign with polysemantic character, that appeared in Greece long before the Hellenistic period. Interpretation of linguistic data allow to suppose that the original legal action and ritual, the scope of which included all kinds of pacts and agreements, were fixed ritually nodes. Heracles knot was initially among others sign alliances, which conclude among themselves warriors.}, abstract={Then, valorised semantically as a node in a high-power, he began to appear to be especially effective amulet. Finally, in the Hellenistic period, he began to be seen as a manifestation of the mystery of mysteries, which does not preclude the collateral function as an amulet. Unlike the hidden charms in the shape of dresses node, which bore hetaera, he was a prominent element of the jewelry, and the visibility of the symbol is a basic precondition for a reflection on its meaning. Interpretation of the cultural importance of jewelry decorated with a knot of Heracles therefore leads to the conclusion that the goldsmith node in the Hellenistic period had a symbolic meaning. Placed on the axis of diadems, wreaths, or any other kind of jewelry, he appealed to the associations with the mysteries, which symbolized the essence fullest.}, title={Kulturowe znaczenie biżuterii hellenistycznej ozdobionej węzłem Heraklesa = The cultural importance of Hellenistic jewelry decorated with a knot of Herakles}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Heraklesa węzeł, biżuteria hellenistyczna, amulet, symbol, misteria, Heracles knot, Hellenistic jewelry, mysteries}, }