@misc{Likus_Justyna_Chemizm, author={Likus, Justyna and Pietrzykowski, Marcin}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={Impact of organic matter on soil chemistry of former Jeziórko sulfur mine was investigated. In research two types of substrate were used: less contaminated (mean 5,090 mg kg-1 S) and high contaminated (42,500 mg kg-1S). Soil substrates were tested with addition of birch or pine litter. The composites (soil substrate + tree litter) were rinsed with water during 12 weeks of experiment. In the obtained leachate pH, EC, DOC (dissolved organic carbon), N, Ca, Mg and S were determined. The results indicate that the rate and amount of leached elements did not depend on litter, but firstly depend on level of sulfur contamination.}, title={Chemizm pokopalnianej gleby sulfurozowej w doświadczeniu w warunkach kontrolowanych = Post-mine sulfurous soil chemistry in leaching experiment under controlled conditions at different tree species litter addition}, type={artykuł}, keywords={remediacja, zanieczyszczenie siarką, materia organiczna, ługowanie, remediation, sulfur contamination, organic matter, leaching}, }